There's a statistic that says that only 2% of people will ever reach their full potential. The other 98% allow their fears, beliefs and lack of ability to be resourceful to prevent them from achieving greatness.
Oftentimes, it is low self esteem that causes us stress, leads to self sabotage, and not feeling fulfilled. It often underpins many of the reasons why people seek therapy.
Low self esteem is often mistaken for shyness or being an introvert. They may be connected but they are different.
Introversion is not being shy or retiring as such, it is simply how we choose to replenish our energy.
Shyness is the tendency to feel awkward or tense during social interactions, often developed in childhood from authoritarian parenting styles.
Low Self Esteem is fundamentally our belief about ourselves, such as we are not good enough, undeserving, etc.
Here are
5 ways
that you can recognise that you may be suffering with low self esteem:
1. You think everything that happens is your fault.
2. You think your good fortune is due to something outside of yourself.
3. You spend time with people who are not good for you or that you don't like.
4. You spend a lot of time looking at your phone, either to avoid people or to make yourself feel wanted or loved.
5. You struggle to find good things to say about yourself.
It is possible to change the way you feel about yourself as well as break the unhelpful beliefs you hold about yourself. The important step is to recognise that it is a problem for you and that it is preventing you from living your fullest life and achieving your dreams.
Here are 2 steps that you could take now:
Until Next Time, Stay Well,
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